World Kitchen Garden Day

World Kitchen Garden Day is a celebration of local food within the approximate radius of 100 km of where we live. The food on this day will generally be organic, biodynamic and home grown. The aim of World Kitchen Garden Day is to provide an awareness of all the impacts associated with all stages of a products life from cradle to grave and how it effects our    environment. So  next time you shop, try to select fresh produce from your local fruiterer or farmers market and ask where your products are coming from.

 Collecting the Pumpkins from the Neighbours

                   People Arriving

      As they arrive they bring with them Their Dishes

     Then we all sit down to Eat!

Spinach..Chrysanthemum & Egg.(from happy chooks)...Salad

Beautiful Plate with Hand Made Quince Jellies and                                                                                                                     
Chick peas.Berries..Local  Cheese ...
and Nastertium Flowers.

Marinated Capsicums

                        Pauls Amazing Quiche made with Certified Free Range Eggs
     Ross's Fabulous Pumpkin Scones

              Enjoying the Wine...its Organic...that means...No Hangover!

                   Enjoying the food.....and its pesticide free !

Pumpkin Scones with Organic Cream and Hand Made Rosella Jam

Heritage Fruit with the Bush Lemon and the Imperial Mandarins

      Time to Go Home

Cleaning Up